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Precious S Badran, a leader in the community building new brands that strength our community. Hustle Gang Technology.

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Hustle Gang Tech - Natural Gillis Face Mask

Hustle Gang Tech

Natural Gillis Face Mask

Designed by Precious Badran.

Outer Surface Material

Shark Skin Material

Shark skin is used for the outer surface to provide durability and water-friendliness.

Natural Gillis Mask

  • First Layer: Expels water through the intake modulator
  • Second Layer: Produces oxygen from the water intake
  • Third Layer: Expels carbon dioxide back into the water
Precious Badran Design

© 2024 Hustle Gang Tech. All rights reserved.

Renewing car security the elimination of Auto theft.

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|                                 AG TIME CONTINUING TIME MACHINE                           |
|       Start. Stabilizes (Key Build   X + Y = Speed triggers Sound creates motion ripple pool create build<> attach sonar force record echo location? End. Start<>cellulair destabilization of partials (PULL) Magnet Propulsion? direction =>Line Of sight<Stabilizations without its particles become unstable test then will become incomplete triggers loss of subject. <? light times wav time energy.) =>Line of Sight Travel=speed particles stabilization<End.? /?????key=designated site arrival.
|                         Quantum Physics Settings                                      |
|            [Toggle Switches for Quantum States, Relativistic Effects, etc.]           |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Space Travel Parameters                                       |
|     [Input Fields for Particle Speed, Trajectory, Destination Coordinates, etc.]       |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Motion Projecting Sensors                                     |
|    [Sensors for Detecting Particle Motion, Environmental Factors, etc.]                |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Astrophysics Calculations                                     |
|            [Mathematical Equations for Particle Speed, Travel Time, etc.]              |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Solid Matter Deconstruction                                  |
|         [Button to Initiate Deconstruction Process]                                   |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Molecular Memory Reconstruction                             |
|       [Button to Initiate Molecular Reconstruction]                                   |
|                                                                                        |
|                         Digital SpaceTime AI Capsule                                  |
|      [AI System for Monitoring, Controlling, and Analyzing Time Travel Process]        |
|                                                                                        |
| Brain         - 0001 |
| Heart         - 0010 |
| Lungs         - 0011 |
| Liver         - 0100 |
| Kidneys       - 0101 |
| Stomach       - 0110 |
| Intestines    - 0111 |
| Pancreas      - 1000 |
| Gallbladder   - 1001 |
| Spleen        - 1010 |

| Upper Limbs   - 1011 |
|   Arms        - 1100 |
|   Hands       - 1101 |
| Lower Limbs   - 1110 |
|   Legs        - 1111 |
|   Feet        - 1111 |

Cell Structures:
| Cells         - 0001 |
| Nucleus       - 0010 |
| Mitochondria  - 0011 |
| ER            - 0100 |
| Golgi App.    - 0101 |
| Lysosomes     - 0110 |
| Cytoskeleton  - 0111 |
| Cell Membrane - 1000 |

Additional Components:
| Bones             - 1001         |
| Collagen          - 1010         |
| Skin              - 1011         |
| Teeth             - 1100         |
| Skeletal Frame    - 1101         |
| Mucous Membranes  - 1110         |
| Moisture          - 1111         |